Honey in the Halfcomb

The clear view enables the beekeeper to quickly judge readiness to harvest. All of the cassettes can be cleaned while still in the super, placed on-edge and presenting single flat surfaces. The need to handle cassettes individually later for cleaning is avoided.

The removal of stacks of filled cassettes from the super is exactly the reverse of loading a super, also conducted while the super is on-edge . Covers (and labels) are then installed on the cassettes systematically while still on the stack. The bottom of each covered cassette is cleaned as it is set down onto a new stack, where they also interlock.


The installation of a cover completes the package. This is the only time that each cassette is handled individually.

Stacked, or on-edge with cells sloping up as on the hive, Halfcomb cassettes are eye appealing and also the least likely of all to leak on the shelf.

Conspicuous Marketing Displays

With natural honey comb exposed as stored directly by the bees,
presents an uncommon marketing opportunity in the high-end gift and natural food markets.

The Least Labor Intensive Comb Honey System Available 

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