Conversion kits (Fig. 4) for assembling the Halfcomb super (Fig. 3) may be bought (or made) and installed by the
beekeeper as follows:
 Fig. 4: Conversion Kit
FIRST: The two metal corner supports (1), 28 or lighter gauge galvanized sheet metal, are nailed onto the
corners at the bottom of one long edge of the 4 3/4" comb honey super (separately acquired). Use two
sturdy 4-D sinker nails or the equivalent at the end of each; the full weight of honey in a super rests on the metal supports. The heavier gauge metal may be pierced with a larger nail first if needed.
SECOND: The 3/4" metal strip is nailed to the 18"x4 1/2" follower board (2) using five 4-D sinker nails,
overhanging on one edge for a ledge; start center and work outward to avoid buckling. After partially nailing
this onto three 4 1/2" spacers, placed at the ends and center, the unit is set onto the inside super long edge
with the 1/16" feet flush with the super edge. The nails are driven to secure the position. Cassettes, resting on this ledge, will now be 1/16" bottom spaced.
FINALLY: One of the short followers (3) is likewise partially nailed to two spacers, aligned with the long follower (2), and nailed.
The Halfcomb super does not require section support frames or separators, as do wood or round section
supers. This is because these functions are now built into the SUPERPACK, making the need for them obsolete. This less costly Halfcomb super accommodates the SUPERPACK without the labor of
manipulating and cleaning complex systems each time a super is loaded or unloaded.