Advantages: Why Choose the Halfcomb?
The Halfcomb system dramatically eliminates the time-consuming labor of section assembly, and reduces the time in preparing sections by a big margin.
In a Nutshell: Halfcomb cassettes are completely prefabricated, prewaxed and preassembled as modules in superpacks of 40 cassettes each (12 oz.) ready to be inserted as a single unit into the super like a
cartridge. You won't believe how fast a super with honey can be unloaded and the super reloaded.
The modified 4 3/4" supers are of simple design. They can be made, have made or purchased
on a one-time basis in the number that meets the beekeepers objective, reusable year after year. The superpacks are purchased each season as needed.
Bees managed for comb honey production readily enter and store comb honey uniformly in Halfcomb cassettes. In sharp contrast, bees are reluctant to uniformly occupy and build comb honey in a recent
”I think it is a great product and my hat’s off to your imagination, ability and follow-through to get your idea
manufactured and provide it to beekeepers. Halfcombs are by far the neatest way to produce comb honey. They are far superior to Ross Rounds, the old fashion wooden box or the
new clear plastic ’clamshell’. I produce Halfcomb and Ross Rounds for exhibits at the State Fair and Bee Association events. In 2007 my exhibit won ’best of
miniature adaptation of the Halfcomb concept in which the embossed foundation is not coated with wax.
A DVD is available upon request to associations and clubs for use
as a program filler and/or raffle. The video fully describes how to use this Halfcomb system and the many conveniences inherent to the system.
- This new form of honeycomb does not have the thickened wax foundation of other comb honey (especially Round) which gets in the way of many consumers.
- The cassettes are less prone to leak on the shelf in marketing either in stacks or on edge.
- The beekeeper will discover a radically new and efficient system of handling sections and supers. The cassettes are handled in vertical stacks of 10 in or out of the super. All
super manipulations are conducted on edge with the open side of cassettes up. This includes super loading, unloading, examination, and cleaning of exposed sides of cassettes while in the super.
- The cassettes are never handled individually until filled with honey; covers are then quickly installed to complete the package for marketing.
- The cost of freezing for wax moths can be by-passed by installing covers promptly. Prior to harvest, while on the hive, there are no cracks or cavities in which wax moths can hide eggs.
- The clear plastic displays natural honeycomb just as stored by the bees, untouched by human hands. This has uncommon marketing appeal in the natural food and gift markets, as well as the consumer
- An objective comparison of 1) Equipment costs (sections and super), 2) Labor intensity (time is money) and 3) Market appeal (return on investment) shows the Halfcomb system to be the most
cost effective comb honey system.
A conspicuous comparison of cassettes vs. round sections is that nearly two (2) Round supers are required
to equal one (1) Halfcomb super in net content of honey (30 lbs. net in 40 cassettes vs. 16 lbs. net in 32 round sections).