The two moveable followers (4) and (5) are free standing, to be installed and secured with springs each time the super is loaded with cassettes and removed to unload the super -
always while the super rests vertically (on edge), as in Fig. 3.
The Halfcomb super can be loaded in less than two minutes. Just set the SUPERPACK onto the fixed long follower against both the metal strip and the fixed short follower. The two
moveable followers (4 and 5) are inserted and secured with the five super springs evenly spaced and with curls against the followers. That’s all! Unloading is the reverse of this—one stack at
a time: Covers are installed on each cassette in turn while on the stack. The bottoms are cleaned as they are set down onto a new stack of interlocking cassettes.
Fig. 5: Loaded Halfcomb Super |
Make certain by sight and feel that the rabbets of the long follower (5) engage the corner posts of cassettes
at the top of the SUPERPACK. This rabbeted follower rests on the metal corners to support the SUPERPACK and position it with 1/16" bottom space.
With the super turned flat on the table (Fig. 5), press down so that all the cassettes are flush and resting
firmly on the metal supports. Bottom and top spaces of 1/16" and 3/16" respectively total 1/4" between
casettes in supers or cassettes over brood, which is the correct bee space to avoid excessive burr comb construction on cassettes.
The loading and reloading of supers requires so little time that it can be done as needed in the course of a honey flow.