What’s New

From time to time, we update this site to include new links, add new information, or address any misinformation that our opponents may be spreading about us. We may also completely contradict information previously posted here. Hey, we write the history. You just accept it unquestioningly.

For questions or comments about this site, or to volunteer for tonight’s abduction and anal probe, send email to Overseer@softhome.net. As always, all comments are stored in your permanent record, and will be used when determining the routes of unmarked black helicopter flights. By submitting comments, you are implying permission for us to post your comments on this website and to perform bizarre biological experiments upon your genitalia.

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

  • It’s been a while (a looong while) since we updated our site. We’ve been busy, what with SARS and terrorism and war in Iraq and the rise of Justin Timberlake to promote. We’ve completely redesigned the look of the site, added some new information, cleaned up some typos, and upgraded our server.

  • Spilled the beans on George II.

  • Responded to more of your letters.

Sunday, June 16, 2002

  • Corrected problems related to moving to a new server. Even we have problems with IT from time to time. Of course, we solve those problems using anal probes . . .

  • Minor updates. Fixed some broken links and added some minor details to a few pages.

  • Reloaded the site to correct a server glitch. The History page was not displaying properly due to leaked radiation from a reverse engineered UFO. The problem has been resolved.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

  • Added the info for George I. Thought Bill and Hillary Clinton were the best we had? You’re sorely misinformed!

  • Minor updates. Fixed some broken links and added some minor details to a few pages.

  • Reloaded the site to correct a server glitch. The History page was not displaying properly due to leaked radiation from a reverse engineered UFO. The problem has been resolved.

Sunday, May 20, 2001

  • Added information on the Bush family. At least, the Prescott Bush part of the Bush Royal Family. “Prescott who?” you ask. All the lurid details you didn’t care about can now be found on most of this very site!

  • Made some minor technical changes that you will never notice. If you do, we’ll just use our mind control rays to make you forget, anyway.

Saturday, May 19, 2001

  • Did battle in the browser wars. When we decide to get really evil, we’re going to find the people at Microsoft and Netscape who make their browsers and learn from the masters. Netscape and Internet Explorer were already vastly different in the way the browsers implement basic HTML, not to mention JavaScript. Netscape 6.0 is even more “out there” than the previous version, and it does neat stuff like cause text to center for no good reason, reduce the point size of the fonts beyond anything remotely useable, and move objects around the screen at random...all on sites that work perfectly fine in every version of Internet Explorer and previous versions of Netscape. In short, it’s evil, and we love it. Therefore, we went through great pains to make sure this site worked with it.

  • Updated more photos. Even more new photo updates to keep things fresh.

  • Added Harry Potter Information. In case you hadn’t heard by now, Harry Potter is one of our Satanic plots. Read all about it!

  • Updated information on Norm Olson...again. The boy can’t be quiet for two minutes. Find out what he did this time.

  • New letters from you, our pathetic subjects. This site was mentioned in passing on the air on NPR’s Talk of the Nation program on May 15, and the hits started rolling in...bringing a tide of email with them. We’ve put up some of the choicest and most pathetic.

  • Updated information on Norm Olson...again. The boy can’t be quiet for two minutes. Find out what he did this time.

  • Put off spilling the poop on George I and George II. We will fill you in on the whole history—from Prescott all the way to Neil, Jeb, and George II. We’re just not quite ready to spill the beans...yet...check back soon...

Saturday, April 07, 2001

  • Updated photos. Updated a lot of photos. Now we’re all-powerful and ever so much more attractive to look at!

  • Updated links. Fixed a lot of broken links. If only we weren’t so good at shutting down the resistance, we’d be able to maintain our website.

  • Updated information on Norm Olson and Mark Koernke. They’ve been busy boys for the last few months, and we’ve updated our special tribute to their resistance.

  • Some minor technical fixes. Even more links to external web sites pop up in a new windows. Some links that do not do this have not yet been fixed, but they will be. In the meantime, those who complain will marked for detention in one of our concentration camps.

  • Coming soon: the skinny on George I and George II. Yes, it’s true: George the First and George the Second are both loyal members of the New World Order. We’ve got all the facts. We’ll give them to you when we’re good and ready.

Friday, March 09, 2001

  • Recreated site from spare parts. A system crash caused us to lose our source files, and we had to re-import the files and bring them back up to speed. The slave who caused the crash has been liquidated.

  • Updated links. Because of the nature of many of the sites we use as our sources, many of them disappear or change frequently. When we can, we update our links to make sure as much information as possible can be accessed. When this is not possible, we leave the original link to indicate where the information was once available. We also send unmarked black helicopters to buzz the homes of those responsible for moving the files.

  • Added Election 2000 information. We were very busy making sure that the George II got back into the White House. Finally, the real story is available here!

  • Added new information about the Space Aliens. A brief description of the Dulce Wars is included.

  • Some minor technical fixes. Links to most external web sites now pop up in a new window so you don’t have to leave our site. Most of the links now also have rollover status bar messages. When the renovation is complete, all links will work in this manner.

  • Various spelling and typographical fixes. The downside of slave labor is that good help is so hard to find. We’ve conducted bizarre biological and reproductive experiments on those responsible for the “boo-boos.”



 ©1999-2003 Twilight Media & Design • All Rights Reserved • Last Updated Wednesday, December 31, 2003